Hempstead, New York Auto Accident Doctor
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Getting Treatment After an Automobile Accident in Hempstead, New York

If you were in a car accident in Hempstead, New York, seek medical attention to determine the extent of your injuries.

Car accident injuries are not always visible.

Even if there is no visible tissue damage or broken bones, failure to seek prompt and appropriate medical attention may result in chronic back or neck pain.


Our Hempstead, New York doctors have at least ten years of personal injury care experience. In order to compile a comprehensive profile of the best local Hempstead doctors in the United States, our team personally screens and analyzes online reviews.

According to our New York doctors, no patient injured in a car accident, regardless of insurance status, should be denied the best medical care available. You have the right to the best possible treatment for your pain and suffering as a result of a car accident. This includes injuries to the head, spinal cord, and internal organs, as well as any other cause.

Our highly trained medical staff specializes in providing lien-based care for Hempstead car accident injuries.

Doctors will bill the patient's personal injury lawyer, who will hold insurance companies responsible for the patient's pain and suffering.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash can be caused by a number of things, the most common of which is a car accident.

Whiplash is caused by a blow to the head that propels it forward before violently reversing its position.

This violent motion can injure the spinal cord's delicate nerves and exert a tremendous force on the tissues of the neck.

Examining your symptoms is the first step in determining whether you have whiplash.

Whiplash injuries are frequently associated with the following symptoms:

 -Migraines in the neck
 -Facial Headaches when rotating or bending the head
 -Mental Fog
 -Feelings of tingling in the arms and hands
 -Ringing in the ears

Your Hempstead accident doctor may order X-rays or an MRI if they suspect a fracture, dislocation, soft tissue injury, or traumatic brain injury.

Whiplash should be treated with rest and the application of ice/heat.

They may also consider using a cervical collar to fully stabilize the area and prevent further damage.

In many cases of neck injury, your Hempstead doctor will recommend that you see a specialist who can help you with manual therapies or chiropractic adjustments.


Soft Tissue Damage

Soft tissue injuries affect the nerves, tendons, and ligaments.

These types of injuries can appear in a variety of ways, including:


Sprains are ligament injuries caused by an overextension of the joints.


A strain is characterized by localized pain in the area of impact, ongoing muscle spasm, muscle weakness and nerve weakness, swelling, inflammation, and cramping.

Strains are caused by ligament elongation and tearing. Ligaments aid in the stabilization and support of the body's joints. Joint laxity is caused by a ligament tear in a collision. Any part of your spine can move beyond its normal range of motion due to joint laxity, resulting in severe nerve pain or muscle splinting. This puts a lot of pressure on your vertebral discs.

This puts a lot of pressure on your vertebral discs.

Contusions and bruises:

Contusions are bruises caused by a direct blow to the skin, which causes the underlying muscle fibers and connective tissue to break down and allow blood to pool beneath the skin.

Back Pain
You may also experience lower back pain depending on the type of car accident.

The sudden jolt of a car accident causes back pain.

If back pain is not treated immediately after an accident, it can become chronic.

Your primary care physician will examine the spine and the tissues surrounding the spine to determine the extent of the damage.

Medication, chiropractic adjustments, ice/heat, electrical stimulation, facet injections, spinal stimulation, and other treatments may be used to treat back pain, depending on the type of traumatic injuries sustained.


Allow Our Hempstead Medical Doctors to Assist You

In order to effectively diagnose your injuries and help you find the best individualized treatment plan, the medical doctors at our Hempstead injury clinics consider not only the results of evaluations and diagnostic tests, but also your symptoms and pain levels. They will also provide you with an attorney to assist with treatment payment for your car accident injury claim.

When you are discharged from your doctor's care, your medical records will be sent to your personal injury lawyer's office to assist with your health insurance claims. They will also send any additional documents required.

If you require immediate medical attention, please contact us or click the link below.

Get A Car Accident Doctor